Ranking 排名 |
University English Name 大学名字 |
Country/Region 国家地区 |
Academic Reputation 学术声誉 |
1 | 麻省理工学院Massachusetts Institute of Technology | United States | 100 |
2 | 斯坦福大学Stanford University | United States | 100 |
3 | 哈佛大学Harvard University | United States | 100 |
4 | 加利福尼亚理工学院California Institute of Technology | United States | 99.5 |
5 | 剑桥大学University of Cambridge | United Kingdom | 100 |
6 | 牛津大学University of Oxford | United Kingdom | 100 |
7 | 伦敦大学学院University College London | United Kingdom | 99.7 |
8 | 帝国理工学院Imperial College London | United Kingdom | 99.4 |
9 | 芝加哥大学The University of Chicago | United States | 99.9 |
10 | ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology | Switzerland | 99.6 |
11 | Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU) | Singapore | 93.9 |
12 | Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) | Switzerland | 83 |
13 | 普林斯顿大学Princeton University | United States | 100 |
14 | 康奈尔大学Cornell University | United States | 99.6 |
15 | National University of Singapore (NUS) | Singapore | 100 |
16 | 耶鲁大学Yale University | United States | 100 |
17 | 约翰霍普金斯大学Johns Hopkins University | United States | 94.3 |
18 | 哥伦比亚大学Columbia University | United States | 99.9 |
19 | 宾夕法尼亚大学University of Pennsylvania | United States | 97.4 |
20 | 澳大利亚国立大学The Australian National University | Australia | 99.3 |
21 | 杜克大学Duke University | United States | 94 |
21 | 密歇根大学安娜堡分校University of Michigan,Ann Arbor | United States | 99.7 |
23 | 伦敦大学国王学院King's College London | United Kingdom | 92.8 |
23 | 爱丁堡大学The University of Edinburgh | United Kingdom | 99.1 |
25 | Tsinghua University | China | 99.2 |
26 | 香港大学The University of Hong Kong | Hong Kong | 99.1 |
27 | 加州大学伯克利分校University of California,Berkeley | United States | 100 |
28 | 西北大学Northwestern University | United States | 91.3 |
28 | The University of Tokyo | Japan | 100 |
30 | 香港科技大学The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology | Hong Kong | 93 |
31 | 多伦多大学University of Toronto | Canada | 99.7 |
32 | 麦吉尔大学McGill University | Canada | 96.9 |
33 | 加州大学洛杉矶分校University of California,Los Angeles | United States | 100 |
34 | 曼彻斯特大学The University of Manchester | United Kingdom | 97.4 |
35 | 伦敦政治经济学院the London Shool of Economics and Political Scienc | United Kingdom | 90.3 |
36 | Kyoto University | Japan | 99.7 |
36 | Seoul National University | South Korea | 98.9 |
38 | Peking University | China | 99.8 |
38 | 加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校University of California,San Diego | United States | 96 |
40 | Fudan University | China | 91.4 |
41 | KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology | South Korea | 89.4 |
41 | 墨尔本大学The University of Melbourne | Australia | 99.8 |
43 | Ecole normale supérieure, Paris | France | 80.2 |
44 | 布里斯托大学University of Bristol | United Kingdom | 85.7 |
45 | 新南威尔士大学The University of New South Wales | Australia | 96.4 |
46 | 香港大学The University of Hong Kong | Hong Kong | 94.3 |
47 | 卡内基梅隆大学Carnegie Mellon University | United States | 85 |
47 | 昆士兰大学The University of Queensland | Australia | 94.6 |
49 | 香港城市大学City University of Hong Kong | Hong Kong | 70.8 |
50 | 悉尼大学The University of Sydney | Australia | 99.3 |
51 | 英属哥伦比亚大学University of British Columbia | Canada | 99.1 |
52 | 纽约大学New York University | United States | 97.9 |
53 | 布朗大学Brown University | United States | 72.5 |
54 | Delft University of Technology | Netherlands | 79.7 |
55 | 威斯康星大学-麦迪逊分校University of Wisconsin-Madison | United States | 94 |
56 | Tokyo Institute of Technology | Japan | 83.1 |
57 | 华威大学The University of Warwick | United Kingdom | 83.5 |
58 | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands | 90.1 |
59 | Ecole Polytechnique | France | 61.2 |
60 | 蒙纳什大学Monash University | Australia | 93.6 |
61 | 西雅图华盛顿大学University of Washington,Seattle Campus | United States | 92.3 |
62 | Shanghai Jiao Tong University | China | 87 |
63 | Osaka University | Japan | 88.5 |
64 | Technical University of Munich | Germany | 86.3 |
65 | 格拉斯哥大学University of Glasgow | United Kingdom | 80.4 |
66 | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München | Germany | 95.8 |
67 | 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校The University of Texas at Austin | United States | 97.6 |
68 | Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg | Germany | 87.6 |
69 | 伊利诺伊大学香槟分校University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | United States | 95.1 |
70 | 佐治亚理工学院Georgia Institute of Technology | United States | 79.1 |
71 | KU Leuven | Belgium | 88.1 |
71 | Pohang University of Science And Technology (POSTECH) | South Korea | 50.9 |
73 | University of Copenhagen | Denmark | 81.7 |
73 | University of Zurich | Switzerland | 68.3 |
75 | Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) | Argentina | 94.5 |
76 | National Taiwan University (NTU) | Taiwan | 95.6 |
76 | Tohoku University | Japan | 78.3 |
78 | 杜伦大学Durham University | United Kingdom | 66.8 |
78 | Lund University | Sweden | 80 |
80 | 北卡罗来纳州大学教堂山分校University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | United States | 77.5 |
81 | 波士顿大学Boston University | United States | 71.3 |
82 | 奥克兰大学The University of Auckland | New Zealand | 92.2 |
82 | 谢菲尔德大学The University of Sheffield | United Kingdom | 69.8 |
84 | 诺丁汉大学The University of Nottingham | United Kingdom | 69.9 |
84 | 伯明翰大学University of Birmingham | United Kingdom | 74.7 |
86 | 俄亥俄州立大学Ohio State University | United States | 75.3 |
87 | Zhejiang University | China | 74 |
88 | Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin | Ireland | 73.8 |
89 | 莱斯大学Rice University | United States | 45.5 |
90 | Korea University | South Korea | 76.8 |
90 | 阿尔伯塔大学University of Alberta | Canada | 73 |
92 | 圣安德鲁斯大学University of St Andrews | United Kingdom | 53 |
93 | 宾州州立大学Pennsylvania State University | United States | 84.6 |
93 | 西澳大学The University of Western Australia | Australia | 71.6 |
95 | Lomonosov Moscow State University | Russia | 82 |
95 | 香港理工大学The Hong Kong Polytechnic University | Hong Kong | 70.2 |
97 | University of Science and Technology of China | China | 62.9 |
98 | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Sweden | 57.2 |
98 | University of Geneva | Switzerland | 57.7 |
100 | 圣路易斯华盛顿大学Washington University in St Louis | United States | 51 |
101 | 利兹大学University of Leeds | United Kingdom | 74.4 |
102 | 赫尔大学University of Hull | Finland | 76.4 |
102 | 南安普顿大学University of Southampton | United Kingdom | 62.1 |
104 | Eindhoven University of Technology | Netherlands | 39.1 |
105 | 普渡大学Purdue University | United States | 73.7 |
106 | Yonsei University | South Korea | 71.8 |
107 | KIT, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | Germany | 57.2 |
108 | Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) | South Korea | 62.4 |
109 | Leiden University | Netherlands | 77.9 |
109 | 阿德莱德大学The University of Adelaide | Australia | 73 |
109 | Utrecht University | Netherlands | 74.6 |
112 | Uppsala University | Sweden | 75.7 |
113 | University of Groningen | Netherlands | 60.9 |
114 | Nanjing University | China | 69.5 |
114 | Universiti Malaya (UM) | Malaysia | 65.7 |
116 | Nagoya University | Japan | 68.9 |
116 | Technical University of Denmark | Denmark | 35.4 |
118 | 加州大学戴维斯分校University of California,Davis | United States | 80.7 |
119 | Aarhus University | Denmark | 66.1 |
120 | Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Germany | 94 |
121 | Universidade de São Paulo | Brazil | 94.8 |
122 | Hokkaido University | Japan | 68.5 |
122 | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) | Mexico | 95.8 |
124 | Wageningen University | Netherlands | 45.2 |
125 | Freie Universitaet Berlin | Germany | 88.7 |
125 | Ghent University | Belgium | 62.4 |
127 | 伦敦大学玛丽女王学院Queen Mary University of London | United Kingdom | 56.2 |
128 | Kyushu University | Japan | 63.6 |
129 | 马里兰大学University of Maryland-College Park | United States | 63.8 |
130 | 蒙特利尔大学University of Montreal | Canada | 67.2 |
131 | Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC) | France | 63 |
132 | 南加州大学University of Southern California | United States | 64.8 |
133 | Chalmers University of Technology | Sweden | 42.1 |
134 | 加利福尼亚大学圣塔芭芭拉分校University of California, Santa Barbara | United States | 75.7 |
135 | 兰卡斯特大学University of Lancaster | United Kingdom | 50.2 |
135 | 约克大学University of York | United Kingdom | 52.2 |
137 | Aalto University | Finland | 46.5 |
137 | 卡迪夫大学Cardiff University | United Kingdom | 57.1 |
137 | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (UC) | Chile | 92.4 |
140 | 麦克马斯特大学McMaster University | Canada | 51.8 |
141 | RWTH Aachen University | Germany | 71.3 |
142 | University of Oslo | Norway | 62.8 |
142 | 匹兹堡大学University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus | United States | 51 |
144 | Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin) | Germany | 64.2 |
145 | The Hebrew University of Jerusalem | Israel | 55.6 |
146 | University of Lausanne | Switzerland | 41.9 |
147 | 埃默里大学Emory University | United States | 35.5 |
147 | Erasmus University Rotterdam | Netherlands | 46.8 |
149 | 密歇根州立大学Michigan State University | United States | 68.6 |
149 | University of Basel | Switzerland | 40.9 |
151 | 奥塔哥大学University of Otago | New Zealand | 63.9 |
152 | 滑铁卢大学University of Waterloo | Canada | 48.8 |
153 | Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) | Belgium | 62.7 |
154 | University of Vienna | Austria | 75.2 |
155 | Hanyang University | South Korea | 53.5 |
156 | Universitat de Barcelona | Spain | 80 |
157 | École Normale Supérieure de Lyon | France | 48.9 |
158 | 阿伯丁大学University of Aberdeen | United Kingdom | 39.6 |
158 | 埃克塞特大学University of Exeter | United Kingdom | 47.2 |
160 | 巴斯大学University of Bath | United Kingdom | 45.3 |
161 | National Tsing Hua University | Taiwan | 56.4 |
161 | 纽卡斯尔大学Newcastle University | United Kingdom | 42.6 |
163 | 明尼苏达大学双城校区University of Minnesota,Twin Cities | United States | 76.8 |
164 | Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen | Germany | 55.8 |
164 | University of Bergen | Norway | 42 |
164 | 加利福尼亚大学欧文分校University of California, Irvine | United States | 54 |
167 | University of Bern | Switzerland | 38.1 |
168 | University College Dublin | Ireland | 53.4 |
169 | 达特茅斯学院Dartmouth College | United States | 31.4 |
170 | Politecnico di Milano | Italy | 63.9 |
171 | Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg | Germany | 61.6 |
172 | Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD) | India | 54.9 |
173 | King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals | Saudi Arabia | 35.7 |
173 | 利物浦大学The University of Liverpool | United Kingdom | 45.4 |
173 | 弗吉尼亚大学University of Virginia,Main Campus | United States | 47.7 |
176 | 悉尼科技大学University of Technology, Sydney | Australia | 50.7 |
177 | CentraleSupélec | France | - |
178 | 佛罗里达大学University of Florida | United States | 58.6 |
179 | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB) | India | 62.3 |
179 | University of Twente | Netherlands | 28.9 |
181 | University of Göttingen | Germany | 62.2 |
182 | Vienna University of Technology | Austria | 39.8 |
182 | Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp) | Brazil | 76.9 |
182 | 科罗拉多大学波尔得分校University of Colorado Boulder | United States | 47 |
182 | Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) | Belgium | 34.5 |
186 | 罗彻斯特大学University of Rochester | United States | 32.1 |
187 | Universidad Autónoma de Madrid | Spain | 65.7 |
188 | Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna | Italy | 81.5 |
188 | 雷丁大学University of Reading | United Kingdom | 39.4 |
190 | Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore | India | 38.3 |
191 | University of Cape Town | South Africa | 60.2 |
192 | Keio University | Japan | 63 |
192 | Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa | Italy | - |
192 | Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna Pisa di Studi Universitari e di Perfezionamento | Italy | - |
195 | Stockholm University | Sweden | 65.8 |
195 | Technische Universität Dresden | Germany | 41.5 |
195 | 德克萨斯A&M大学Texas A & M University | United States | 69.7 |
195 | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona | Spain | 72.1 |
199 | Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey | Mexico | 42.8 |
200 | Maastricht University | Netherlands | 30.8 |
201 | Universidad de Chile | Chile | 82.7 |
202 | 英国女王大学Queen's University Belfast | United Kingdom | 35.2 |
203 | Waseda University | Japan | 69 |
204 | Radboud University | Netherlands | 38.6 |
205 | Tel Aviv University | Israel | 49.1 |
205 | Universite libre de Bruxelles | Belgium | 46.2 |
207 | National Chiao Tung University | Taiwan | 33.3 |
207 | University of Illinois, Chicago (UIC) | United States | 55 |
209 | 亚利桑那州立大学Arizona State University | United States | 51.4 |
210 | University of Antwerp | Belgium | 35 |
210 | 西安大略大学University of Western Ontario | Canada | 39.2 |
212 | 范德堡大学Vanderbilt University | United States | 35.8 |
213 | 凯斯西储大学Case Western Reserve University | United States | - |
214 | 坎特伯雷大学University of Canterbury | New Zealand | 47.1 |
215 | Sapienza University of Rome | Italy | 78.2 |
216 | 圣母诺特丹大学University of Notre Dame | United States | 36.3 |
217 | 卡尔加里大学Calgary University | Canada | 42.8 |
218 | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | Netherlands | 50.5 |
219 | 惠灵顿维多利亚大学Victoria University of Wellington | New Zealand | 54 |
220 | Sciences Po | France | 31.6 |
221 | King Saud University | Saudi Arabia | 35.9 |
222 | National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) | Taiwan | 49.9 |
223 | Universität Hamburg | Germany | 56.6 |
224 | Queen's University at Kingston | Canada | 43.9 |
224 | Technion - Israel Institute of Technology | Israel | 40.6 |
224 | 纽卡斯尔大学The University of Newcastle | Australia | 40 |
227 | 乔治城大学Georgetown University | United States | 41.8 |
228 | 萨塞克斯大学The University of Sussex | United Kingdom | 36.6 |
229 | Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) | Malaysia | 49 |
230 | Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) | Malaysia | 49.6 |
230 | The University of Arizona | United States | 51.3 |
232 | 伍伦贡大学University of Wollongong | Australia | 33.1 |
233 | University Complutense Madrid | Spain | 68.9 |
234 | 拉夫堡大学Loughborough University | United Kingdom | 35.3 |
235 | American University of Beirut (AUB) | Lebanon | - |
236 | Al-Farabi Kazakh National University | Kazakhstan | 38.6 |
236 | Université Grenoble-Alpes | France | 69.5 |
238 | 莱斯特大学University of Leicester | United Kingdom | 28.7 |
239 | Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn | Germany | 56.6 |
240 | 麦考瑞大学Macquarie University | Australia | 41.2 |
240 | Saint Petersburg State University | Russia | 42.4 |
242 | Université Paris-Sud | France | 34.7 |
243 | National University of Ireland Galway | Ireland | 28.4 |
243 | 塔夫茨大学Tufts University | United States | - |
245 | Chulalongkorn University | Thailand | 74.5 |
245 | 西蒙弗雷泽大学Simon Fraser University | Canada | 31.5 |
247 | 昆士兰科技大学Queensland University of Technology | Australia | 46.7 |
247 | 皇家墨尔本理工大学Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Universi | Australia | 43.8 |
249 | 马萨诸塞大学安姆斯特分校University of Massachusetts, Amherst | United States | 51.9 |
250 | Novosibirsk State University | Russia | 37.6 |
250 | University of Tsukuba | Japan | 42.4 |
252 | 迈阿密大学University of Miami | United States | - |
253 | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia | Malaysia | 32.8 |
254 | Universidad Nacional de Colombia | Colombia | 72 |
254 | Universität Frankfurt am Main | Germany | 58.5 |
256 | Beijing Normal University | China | 49.3 |
256 | Kyung Hee University | South Korea | 34.7 |
256 | Universidad de los Andes | Colombia | 66 |
259 | Norwegian University of Science And Technology | Norway | 36.4 |
259 | 伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院Royal Holloway University of London | United Kingdom | - |
259 | Universität Stuttgart | Germany | 36.2 |
262 | 科廷大学Curtin University | Australia | 38.7 |
263 | 北卡罗来纳州立大学North Carolina State University at Raleigh | United States | 41.3 |
264 | Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM) | India | 41.1 |
264 | National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan Tech) | Taiwan | 30.1 |
264 | Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) | Malaysia | 48.2 |
267 | King Abdulaziz University (KAU) | Saudi Arabia | 31.1 |
267 | 邓迪大学University of Dundee | United Kingdom | - |
269 | Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne | France | 63.4 |
270 | Ecole des Ponts ParisTech | France | - |
270 | University of Navarra | Spain | 33.3 |
272 | Technische Universität Darmstadt | Germany | - |
272 | 萨里大学University of Surrey | United Kingdom | 29.4 |
274 | 东英吉利大学University of East Anglia | United Kingdom | - |
275 | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya | Spain | 42.4 |
276 | University of Turku | Finland | 32.8 |
277 | Universitas Indonesia | Indonesia | 48.1 |
277 | 思克莱德大学University of Strathclyde | United Kingdom | 30.4 |
279 | 达尔豪斯大学Dalhousie University | Canada | - |
279 | 南澳大学University of South Australia | Australia | 32 |
281 | Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) | Spain | 37.6 |
282 | Wuhan University | China | 43.9 |
283 | Rutgers University - New Brunswick | United States | 49.1 |
283 | University College Cork | Ireland | 37.8 |
283 | University of Gothenburg | Sweden | 43.5 |
286 | Universität Innsbruck | Austria | 29.1 |
287 | Linköping University | Sweden | 27.3 |
287 | Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg | Germany | 28.9 |
289 | National Taiwan Normal University | Taiwan | 36.7 |
289 | 渥太华大学University of Ottawa | Canada | 32.6 |
291 | Bauman Moscow State Technical University | Russia | 28 |
292 | 怀卡托大学The university of Waikato | New Zealand | - |
293 | 迪肯大学Deakin University | Australia | 39.9 |
293 | Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK) | India | 38.8 |
293 | Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV) | France | 65.8 |
296 | 伦敦大学亚非学院SOAS University of London | United Kingdom | 33.7 |
296 | Università di Padova | Italy | 58 |
296 | Universitat Pompeu Fabra | Spain | 37.8 |
299 | Ewha Womans University | South Korea | 29.8 |
299 | 香港浸会大学Hong Kong Baptist University | Hong Kong | - |
301 | University of California, Santa Cruz | United States | 30.6 |
301 | University of Porto | Portugal | 45.6 |
303 | Université de Strasbourg | France | 57.4 |
304 | 印第安纳大学伯明顿主校区Indiana University Bloomington | United States | 53.5 |
305 | Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 | France | 53.7 |
305 | University of Lisbon | Portugal | 47.4 |
307 | Politecnico di Torino | Italy | 36 |
308 | 伦敦大学伯克贝克学院Birkbeck, University Of London | United Kingdom | - |
308 | Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IIT-KGP) | India | 31.4 |
308 | Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster | Germany | 42 |
311 | Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro | Brazil | 67.1 |
312 | 赫瑞·瓦特大学Heriot-Watt University | United Kingdom | - |
313 | 塔斯马尼亚大学University of Tasmania | Australia | - |
314 | Charles University | Czech Republic | 48.5 |
314 | University of Tartu | Estonia | 28.5 |
316 | 梅西大学Massey University | New Zealand | 37.2 |
316 | Tongji University | China | 36.1 |
318 | University at Buffalo SUNY | United States | - |
319 | 林肯大学Lincoln University | New Zealand | - |
319 | Sun Yat-sen University | China | 42.4 |
319 | Université de Liège | Belgium | - |
322 | Hiroshima University | Japan | 31.4 |
323 | Tomsk State University | Russia | - |
323 | 加州大学河滨分校University of California-Riverside | United States | - |
325 | 格里菲斯大学Griffith University | Australia | 33.6 |
325 | Harbin Institute of Technology | China | - |
325 | University of Milan | Italy | 52.9 |
325 | The Katz School at Yeshiva University | United States | - |
329 | National Yang Ming University | Taiwan | - |
330 | Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan | France | - |
331 | Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) | Indonesia | 52.9 |
331 | Universidad Austral | Argentina | 28.8 |
331 | University of Cologne | Germany | 43.8 |
334 | Belarusian State University | Belarus | 28.3 |
334 | Mahidol University | Thailand | 46.4 |
336 | L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (ENU) | Kazakhstan | - |
337 | Universidad de Belgrano | Argentina | - |
338 | Umea University | Sweden | - |
339 | 波士顿学院Boston College | United States | 29.9 |
339 | Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) | South Korea | - |
341 | Universität Jena | Germany | - |
341 | University of Hawai'i at Mañoa | United States | - |
343 | 伦敦城市大学City University London | United Kingdom | - |
344 | Nankai University | China | 32.6 |
344 | Xi’an Jiaotong University | China | 29.1 |
346 | 布鲁内尔大学Brunel University | United Kingdom | - |
346 | 东北大学Northeastern University | United States | - |
346 | 维多利亚大学University of Victoria | Canada | - |
349 | Qatar University | Qatar | - |
349 | Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) | Brunei | - |
351 | Kobe University | Japan | 33.8 |
352 | Ben Gurion University of The Negev | Israel | - |
352 | 乔治华盛顿大学George Washington University | United States | 35.3 |
352 | 埃塞克斯大学University of Essex | United Kingdom | - |
355 | Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT / Moscow Phystech) | Russia | - |
355 | Université Paris Dauphine | France | 28.8 |
357 | Tilburg University | Netherlands | - |
357 | University Ulm | Germany | - |
357 | University of Jyväskylä | Finland | - |
360 | 拉筹伯大学La Trobe University | Australia | 29.6 |
361 | 牛津布鲁克斯大学Oxford Brookes University | United Kingdom | 30.3 |
361 | Stellenbosch University | South Africa | 34.4 |
361 | Universidade Nova de Lisboa | Portugal | 34.6 |
364 | Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina Santa María de los Buenos Aires (UCA) | Argentina | - |
364 | 伦斯勒理工学院Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | United States | - |
364 | University of the Witwatersrand | South Africa | 34.7 |
367 | 詹姆斯·库克大学James Cook University | Australia | - |
367 | Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU) | Japan | - |
367 | University of the Philippines | Philippines | 46 |
367 | University of Tromsø The Arctic University of Norway | Norway | - |
367 | 弗吉尼亚理工大学Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Universit | United States | 33.2 |
372 | University of St.Gallen (HSG) | Switzerland | - |
373 | 阿斯顿大学Aston University | United Kingdom | - |
373 | Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University) | Russia | - |
373 | National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute) | Russia | - |
373 | Universitat Politècnica de València | Spain | - |
373 | 肯特大学University of Kent | United Kingdom | - |
378 | Laval University | Canada | 31.3 |
379 | Aalborg University | Denmark | - |
380 | Tampere University of Technology | Finland | - |
381 | Université de Montpellier | France | 36.4 |
382 | National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE, Moscow) | Russia | - |
382 | Stony Brook University, State University of New York | United States | - |
384 | University of Southern Denmark | Denmark | - |
385 | Universität Konstanz | Germany | 31.3 |
386 | National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University | Russia | - |
386 | 堪萨斯大学University of Kansas | United States | - |
388 | National Sun Yat-sen University | Taiwan | 29.9 |
388 | Universität Mannheim | Germany | - |
390 | United Arab Emirates University | United Arab Emirates | - |
391 | Dublin City University | Ireland | - |
391 | National Central University | Taiwan | 32.5 |
391 | 犹他大学University of Utah | United States | - |
394 | University of Colorado, Denver | United States | - |
395 | The American University in Cairo | Egypt | 31 |
395 | 伊利诺理工学院Illinois Institute of Technology | United States | - |
397 | HUFS - Hankuk (Korea) University of Foreign Studies | South Korea | - |
398 | 伦敦大学金史密斯学院Goldsmiths, University of London | United Kingdom | - |
398 | Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz | Germany | 27.9 |
398 | Taipei Medical University |
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